Manufacturing for a Sustainable Future
Sustainable Process:
- Recognize the importance of sustainable raw materials and optimizing production processes
- Proprietary highly efficient and sustainable manufacturing processes in six state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities
Resource Optimization:
- Optimize consumption of natural resources in our production
- The most upcycled, earth-friendly materials and compounds used in the industry
Product Quality:
- Continue develop high-performance conveyor belts requiring few plies utilizing less materials
- Lighter and more energy efficient products that last longer and are more sustainable

Environmental Targets
Ambition | Metric | Goal |
Reduce our CO2 emissions | CO2 emissions | 50% by 2030 |
Improve the energy efficiency of our products | Energy efficiency of our products |
10% by 2030 |
Set the global standard for the environmental footprint of manufacturing facilities | Environmental footprint of facilities |
1/3 reduction by 2030 |
Ensure that the materials used in our products are renewable or recyclable | Renewable or recyclable materials used |
40% by 2030 100% by 2050 |
Use only deforestation-free natural rubber volumes | Deforestation-free natural rubber |
100% by 2030 |
We recognize the importance of focusing our sustainability commitment into every aspect of our company
The Life Cycle
of a Conveyor Belt

Never before have the environmental issues facing the world presented a greater challenge. It is widely accepted that action urgently needs to be taken to slow the global warming process. The following section of our website is designed to provide an overview of the situation within the conveyor belt industry in Europe and an insight into the genuine efforts that we are making in Fenner Dunlop Conveyor Belting to achieve genuine sustainability and a very real reduction in carbon footprint.
Diversity Targets
A company that allows diversity to flourish in all its forms (*IMDI)
by 2023
by 2030
*IMDI, a composite indicator tracking inclusion and diversity)
Percentage of women in management and supervisory positions
by 2023
by 2030
Other Business Targets
Employee and contractor health and safety /Engagement rate*
by 2023
by 2030
*IMDI, a composite indicator tracking inclusion and diversity)
A company where everyone feels physically safe at work / TCIR**
by 2023
by 2030
**Total Case Incident Rate
United Nations 17 Standards in
Sustainability Development
sustainable development goals
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet. At its heart are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), an urgent call for action by all countries. Our Group uses these standards to gauge our success in climate impacts, resource use, and biodiversity. We engage our employees and customers to use resources efficiently while preserving them for future generations. These goals aim to end poverty, improve health and education, reduce inequality, spur economic growth, tackle climate change, and preserve oceans and forests.