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Multi-ply Belts
Fenner Dunlop Superfort ‘long life’ multi-ply conveyor belts have a long history of outstanding reliability and durability.
Dunloflex is designed for use with all types of bulk material transportation under light to medium-heavy service conditions in raw material, mining, stone, and earth handling and building industries.
High Impact / Heavy-duty Belts
In some applications, especially primary and secondary crushers, even the strongest and heaviest conventional belts can be ripped or torn by large lumps of heavy, sharp objects, either falling from a height or becoming trapped. In extreme cases, belts can be destroyed within a matter of weeks or months.
Show all products in High Impact / Heavy-duty Belts category
Profiled / Chevron Belts
Application areas There are two chevron height sizes to choose from – 16mm (low chevron)…
Fishbone™ and Rufftop™ Profiled Belting
CARCASS CONSTRUCTION EP fabric plies (SUPERFORT or DUNLOFLEX), strong, low elongation. AVAILABILITY Rufftop is available…
Fenner Dunlop Multiprof is a multi-purpose profiled belt for inclined conveying that has been developed specifically for transporting packaged goods such as boxes, bags, and baggage as well as bulk materials including agricultural products, oily materials, woodchips and wet sand.
Steelcord Belts
The worldwide Fenner Dunlop Group has more than 40 years of experience in producing top quality steelcord belting.
Steel Fabric Reinforced Belts
Fenner Dunlop Ferroflex has a tension layer composed of longitudinal steel cords through which power transmission is effected.
Rubber Matting & Sheeting
Fenner Dunlop Ultima premier grade rubber sheeting is specifically designed to provide outstanding durability across a wide range of industrial uses. Unlike almost all other industrial rubber sheeting, it is exclusively manufactured in our production facilities here in the Netherlands.
Dunlosheet® Dunlosheet is an extremely strong and hardwearing 3.5mm thick tear-resistant rubber sheet with a polyester and nylon fabric core ply. Originally developed for use as a cover for livestock bedding mattresses, Dunlosheet has since proved to be ideal for many other protection, screening, anti-slip and anti-static applications across a wide cross-section of industries.
Dunlomat is exclusively made by Fenner Dunlop here in The Netherlands and is the only matting recommended by TWIF (Tug of war international federation)
Special Products
The rubber used in these belts can be non-staining and has been formulated by Fenner…
Fenner Dunlop harvesting belts provide excellent fastener strength and low elongation plus outstanding resistance to…
These can be as much as 50% higher efficiency compared to conventional conveyors. Pipe conveyors often provide the most efficient solution in locations where there are environmental, safety or space limitations and are used to convey a broad spectrum of materials in many different industries ranging from chemicals to power plants.
Fenner Dunlop Manchons are designed for use in a variety of hoses that have fabrics with different types of yarn including polyester and nylon.
Passenger Conveyor Belting
Perfect for moving walkways Starglide belts are installed all over the world in a wide variety of locations including airports and station terminals, parking facilities, pedestrian areas, hypermarkets, exhibition centers, artificial ski grounds, and casino entrances.
Slider (Friction Back) Belts
Aramid Reinforced Belts
Transverse Rigid Base Belting
CARCASS CONSTRUCTION The Rigitra carcass consists of at least two plies of wholly synthetic Polyester-Nylon…
Rip Ranger™ – Steelcord belt rip detection
Even the toughest steelcord belt can be ripped from end to end in no time at all. Fenner Dunlop’s Rip Ranger ‘incident alert’ technology can significantly reduce the extent (and cost) of the damage.