Products By industry
Opencast Mining and ore processing
Opencast mining is used to extract a great deal of the minerals used as raw materials by the world’s industries. Conveyors regularly have to cope with an enormous variety of potentially destructive materials, often in some of the most challenging operating conditions imaginable. This requires different types of belting such as belts that have a high resistance to the kind of heavy impact, ripping and tearing that occurs during the primary stages of production through to those designed to withstand the abrasion wear that happens when conveying several thousand tons per hour of fast-moving fines. Over its long history, the engineers at Fenner Dunlop have created a wide range of belts that are the toughest, longest lasting belts that money can buy.
Underground Mining
Because safety is of paramount importance, Fenner Dunlop belts designed for use within underground mines are fire resistant and approved and accredited to the appropriate national and international standards. As the inventors and pioneers of fire resistant conveyor belting we work very closely with government agencies and national and local mining organizations. Fenner Dunlop provides a range of high-quality mining conveyor belts that have outstanding resistance to both abrasion and cutting and designed for use in every phase of the production process – from the mine face and the transportation to the processing location through to the final mixing, blending and stocking. For more information about the different types of belt construction and the different cover grades available please select from the choices below.
Belts commonly used in the Mining industry:
Superfort, Ultra X, UsFlex, Steelcord, Ferroflex, Trioflex
Cover grades recommended for this industry:
Filter by top quality cover grades dedicated for Mining industry
- Abrasion resistance
- Fire resistance
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Fenner Dunlop Superfort ‘long life’ multi-ply conveyor belts have a long history of outstanding reliability and durability.

Fenner Dunlop Ultra X®
From light duty to the heaviest of service conditions.

High Impact / Heavy-duty Belts
Fenner Dunlop UsFlex®
In some applications, especially primary and secondary crushers, even the strongest and heaviest conventional belts can be ripped or torn by large lumps of heavy, sharp objects, either falling from a height or becoming trapped. In extreme cases, belts can be destroyed within a matter of weeks or months.

High Impact / Heavy-duty Belts
Trioflex has been designed in line with the modern MPC-trend (minimum ply concept) and can be used very successfully for medium up to the heaviest service conditions, adverse loading conditions and coarse materials.

Steelcord™ Belts
The worldwide Fenner Dunlop Group has more than 40 years of experience in producing top quality steelcord belting.

Fenner Dunlop Ferroflex has a tension layer composed of longitudinal steel cords through which power transmission is effected.

Dunloflex is designed for use with all types of bulk material transportation under light to medium-heavy service conditions in raw material, mining, stone, and earth handling and building industries.

Chevron™ (profiled belts)
Application areas There are two chevron height sizes to choose from – 16mm (low chevron)…

Fishbone™ and Rufftop™ Profiled Belting
CARCASS CONSTRUCTION EP fabric plies (SUPERFORT or DUNLOFLEX), strong, low elongation. AVAILABILITY Rufftop is available…

Fenner Dunlop Multiprof is a multi-purpose profiled belt for inclined conveying that has been developed specifically for transporting packaged goods such as boxes, bags, and baggage as well as bulk materials including agricultural products, oily materials, woodchips and wet sand.

Fenner Dunlop Staramid has been specially developed as a lighter weight alternative to Steelcord belt. It is designed for use on very long conveyors with distances of up to several thousand meters.
What our customers say
"The UsFlex belt is amazing. We supplied an UsFlex belt that has surpassed the lifetime of its nearest competitor by four or five times."
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